Did you hear the big news that came out yesterday? SixApart released MovableType 3.3 and MovableType Enterprise and if you didn’t hear about it don’t be so surprised because I was only able to catch it on one site. The reason this might have been was because they didn’t do it through a blog entry, but through a Press Release. A Press Release…
Now I have nothing against Press Releases as I know many bloggers who use them to get the word out to traditional media, but for some reason I was under the impression that the company that essentially established the blogging world would complement a Press Release with a blog entry where users and the general public could at least leave trackbacks. They used to do stuff like this, but I can’t remember when they stopped since nothing newsworthy has been really happening over there (with the exception of TypePad outages).
Maybe this is the sign that shows they have truly given up on the last set of users still willing to use their product, which was never bad, but simply needed improvements. Maybe the community was just too harsh towards Mena so she figured in March that she would just give it all up. Do I think every company should start a blog? Of course not, but do I think a company who’s products and services revolve around blogging software should blog? Hell yeah.
So if you use MovableType there is an upgrade out there in case you didn’t know. If you are a company looking into blogs there is now an Enterprise version which has Oracle support. If you are anyone else you will find better alternatives around the web.
At least they’re still making money right?
Originally posted on July 13, 2006 @ 11:45 am