I did a web video recently over on my publishing hub discussing our place in history, when I mean by our place I mean everyone. You, me, and everyone in between. This blog has passed hands and there is a little bit of stuff to be worked out still like Scrivs passing off the domain to SplashPress. Anyone who wishes to make sense of this feel free to ask him kindly to expedite this so business can continue as normal for all parties involved.
Anyhow, me and Scrivs have a history. One of the things I truly admire about Scrivs is his ability to stick to his guns. He’s always been open about how he thinks, and how he feels. But in the end he always does the right thing. He’s got a legacy. If you look at all the bloggers who have passed down the halls of 9rules and went on to bigger,better or just different things it’s truly impressive. He’s a man with a legacy.
Are you going to leave a legacy like that? We think about Web 2.0 and the ease at which anyone can create a company, and a project. It’s truly mindblowing. In years past creating communities like we can in today’s modern era would have cost millions and millions of dollars. Now it can be done for thousands.
A lot of people don’t realize the amount of work it takes to be a person who creates some of these projects. I know a lot of blood,sweat and tears goes into projects. And sometimes you have to hang it up and pass on your project to someone else.
Scrivs passed this baby off to someone else, who passed it on yet again. But there is something about it. The place is still filled with the legacy of the founder. And it’s all different without it. When I think of my feeds in my feedreader I think of the people behind them.
When I think of blogs, I think of the communities that are behind them. Community created by a voice. A voice that is not easy to fill. We each have our own voice. What is your voice?
I have a different voice than Paul Scrivens. Sometimes one that not a lot of people agreed with. There’s a lot about me people don’t know. Things I rarely talk about. My love of web design is one of them. My love for typography is another.
Originally much of my design influence was funneled through Mike Rundle, and Paul Scrivens. Interesting isn’t it? Along the way I’ve worked with and partnered with a number of web designers. Most all of them have taught me a lot about design and I too have passed on a few tips along the way.
Design, like community leaves behind a legacy. Albeit a different one. I’m not a designer. I’m a lover of great design. I’m not a typographer. I’m a lover of great typography. I’m not a photographer. I’m a lover of great photography. And to be honest I’m not a great blogger. I’m a lover of great bloggers.
To each his own.
I’d like to say hello. I have some big shoes to fill. But lets talk first.
Who are you? and what is your Legacy ?
Originally posted on June 21, 2007 @ 11:23 pm